Short-Term Trips with Long-Term Impact
A life-changing experience to cultivate disciples and experience new life and energy in your community.
Short-Term Trips that Educate & Empower
Maybe you’ve heard of those mission trips where you fly half-way around the world to paint a church while the locals stand around and watch—you don’t want that.
It’s true that Christian mission trips can be paternalistic and disempowering if they’re not done right.* Church partners choose ENLACE because we are committed to development principles that empower churches to transform their communities. It’s a better experience for them, and for you.
*For more on the topic read the classic When Helping Hurts by our colleagues Brian Fikkert and Steve Corbett
Experience True Purpose
Mission trip day-labor will not solve multidimensional poverty, but we believe that God can. In fact, God is at work through the Church right now offering food to the hungry, water to the thirsty, clothing the naked, visiting prisoners, healing the sick, restoring relationships, and making all things new.
Your role on an ENLACE Short-Term trip is one of encouragement, fellowship, and learning. You’ll work alongside new friends on whatever development project churches would be doing anyway, but your day labor is not the point. The point is to encourage your fellow Christians, make new friends, and learn.
You’ll come home a more fully-formed disciple of Christ with new stories to tell, and new opportunities to contribute to God’s kingdom.
The Impact Here at Home
All our Church Partners tell us that partnering with ENLACE to expand their missional reach generates energy, excitement, involvement, action, and joy here at home. That’s just what happens as we join what God’s Holy Spirit is doing. ENLACE exists to link churches with each other and with expertise and training to engage in that work more fully. That’s why our Church partners tend to stick with us for years, or even decades.
Download the Free eBook
Long-Term Impact on a Short-Term Trip
A Participant’s Guide for ENLACE Vision Trips & Short-Term Serving Trips.
Ready for Your Discipleship Adventure?