
A Father’s Day Spotlight: Pastor José Molina’s Leadership and Legacy

Joshua 24:15 

“…as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”




On this Father’s Day, we celebrate José Molina, the pastor of Misión Cristiana Evangélica Fe y Gracia in San José, La Labor, El Salvador. We highlight not only his fatherly advice but also his amazing contribution toward community transformation as a pastor and respected community leader.


José Santos Molina has been married to Yenni Gloribel Argueta de Molina for 25 years. Together they have raised 5 sons and 1 daughter as well as taken in and nurtured other foster children, who are considered part of the family. They have been in pastoral ministry since they were married.


Pastor José and his wife Yenni


Historically, the hamlet of San José, La Labor was known for being a difficult community to organize. In addition to this, there were few educational and economic opportunities. However, with Pastor Molina’s leadership and with the support of the church and the local community development association, seven local hamlets have been organized to implement several infrastructure and health projects that will improve quality of life in the community. They have constructed eco-stoves, constructed roads, built a playground and perimeter wall around the high school, led a clean-up and fumigation campaign, and provided education and technical support for raising chickens, cultivating tilapia, and producing viable home gardens. 


Beginning stages of road repairConstruction of a road


The contribution of the Fe y Gracia Church to its community since 2010 is immensely significant. Over thirteen years, the church’s collaboration with leaders and members of the La Labor community has profoundly transformed the area, assisting hundreds of individuals in overcoming extreme poverty. Since 1998, Pastors José and Yenni Molina have demonstrated strong and effective leadership, deeply caring for and serving their church and community. Their dynamic leadership approach has significantly expanded their church and fostered a culture of loving service, with more than 80 percent of the congregation actively participating in community outreach efforts.


Pastor works on road repair


Reminiscent of the disciples and the Apostle Paul, José works an additional job to help provide for his family. Although they have had many challenges, he has taught his children to work in the bakery with him, to serve together and to trust that God will provide. “…We have even been able to share with others the blessings we have received.”


José is a committed pastor and father. He has learned to separate, balance, and organize his time between family and ministry so that he can be present and effective in both avenues of his life.


Pastor's family in the church


José has dedicated time to guide and develop his children in different areas of life so that they will grow to be responsible, godly men and women. He has also made a concerted effort to talk with his children every day during dinner and to make plans to spend time with one another once a week doing something fun. Being raised to serve others, Pastor José trusts that his children will continue to live out the gospel as they grow and mature. 


“Give your children space so they can develop their skills and learn to solve problems….When they can fend for themselves, they will be able to help people.”


Pastor José Molina is a committed father, pastor and community leader who not only loves and supports his immediate family but helps people with the greatest need within his community. We are grateful for Pastor Molina’s leadership and service.