
How your donation to home gardens can help feed a family for a lifetime!

Amazing things are happening through home gardens in El Salvador. In 2011, more than 1,200 people increased their income and nutritional intake through home gardens. For 2012, we have more than 3,000 people ready and waiting to start their gardens, but we need your help to make it happen!

Your $250 donation given to the home garden program provides one family with materials (such as seed and seedlings) and ongoing training (such as how to create seed banks and make organic fertilizer). ENLACE agronomists provide weekly help and expertise. A local church hosts seminars and workshops and serves as a constant, encouraging presence in the community. Once gardeners participate and experience the joys and relief that come with the ability to meet their family’s nutritional and economic needs, they become empowered. As they expand their own crops, they teach their children and other family members and neighbors their new skills. In these and many other ways, home gardens are long-term and integrated solutions to material and spiritual poverty. 

$250 helps feed a family for a lifetime
$50 helps feed one person for a lifetime

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