Then sings my soul, my savior God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, how great Thou art.
Rosa Lilian Arana and her family are all smiles after moving into their new home.On a hot and humid September afternoon the lyrics from this familiar hymn filled the walls of God’s Ark Church in Planes del Ranchador, El Salvador. More than a hundred people packed themselves into the small church to celebrate the completion of 25 new homes. Every recipient family was present and expressed thankfulness to God and to their their neighbors. This theme of grateful acknowledgement flowed throughout the service and especially in Pastor Rafael Gonzalez’s moving sermon.
Two leaders from God’s Ark spearheaded the housing initiative. They worked hand-in-hand with community leaders to identify the families in need of a secure home.
“We wanted to do something for our community and this initiative was an opportunity to help some of the neediest people in our area, but also build relationships with people. We’re not meeting their needs just so they’ll come to church, but the impact has been so great that many of the housing recipients and their families are now coming to our home-groups. They are also becoming involved in other initiatives in the community like home gardens and the Health Committee. A seed has been planted.” –Mario Ernesto Mejía, Small Group Leader in El Ranchador
Many of the previous homes were made of used plastic and metal with mud and bamboo. The local church leaders and community members helped to coordinate the construction of houses and provided transportation, storage, materials, and more than $9,000 of volunteer labor. From May to August of 2010, the church and community successfully completed 25 secure homes benefitting 91 people.
Francisco Mendoza, pastor of God’s Ark Church.According to Pastor Francisco Mendoza, the housing initiative has helped his church fulfill its continuing vision of service.
“My vision of ministry has always been to help people in need with whatever resources are available to us. The gospel is integral. It is about meeting people’s spiritual needs, but also their physical needs and this housing initiative has helped us take this approach with our community… We must remove the gospel from four walls of the church in order to take it to those in need.”
“God listened to our prayers!” said Noemí Morán with tears running down her face. “We didn’t have the money to build a house, and many times we didn’t have money to pay our rent. But now everyday I wake up and say ‘Thank you Lord for this roof over my head that you have provided.’ I have confidence that no one will take me from my new home until that long awaited day when God calls me to go, but to go be with Him!¨
When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation,
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.
Then I shall bow, in humble adoration,
And then proclaim: “My God, how great Thou art!”
Click here to see more photos of the homes built in El Ranchador.