
A New Opportunity to Serve and Inspire Others

In October, 2011 Pastor Miguel Angel Durán became the President and Representative of his denomination in El Salvador. The Asamblea de Iglesias Cristianas (Assembly of Christian Churches) was founded in New York in 1939 as a evangelical missionary movement led by Hispanics to work with Hispanics. They are present in 26 countries around the world, and have 62 churches in El Salvador alone.

“I feel privileged…to have the opportunity to be an example for my companions and be some sort of inspiration for them. I have been given the opportunity to climb–not because I deserve it–but because of his mercy and grace…[This new role] obligates me to seek God more.”

His promotion comes as no surprise to us at ENLACE. Pastor Miguel has worked with us since the very beginning and played a fundamental role in strengthening our methodology. He has also used his experiences as a testimony to inspire and help train other churches in the region of San Martin through his work with Samaritan’s Purse, Compassion International, ENLACE’s Pastoral Council, and the ENLACE El Salvador Board of Directors.

Many of our partners and friends have had the opportunity to know and listen to Pastor Miguel, and we have been witnesses of his hard work in the church and community. Above all, we have recognized his humility, patience, and spirit of service and love for his neighbor.

During the inauguration ceremony that announced and celebrated Pastor Miguel’s new role, fellow pastor Santos made clear how much Pastor Miguel had impacted him and how he will have great influence in the Church in El Salvador in the future. 

[Miguel Duran] is my friend, and I have seen him as someone from whom I learn a lot through his attitude of love for his neighbor. When they told me that he was going to be our representative, it gave me a lot of joy…We think that in the future of the Assemblies of Christian Churches we’re going to have many churches working in the integral mission. With our experiences, we are going to help them embody the integral vision.”

Santos Carpio, Pastor of Tabernaculo Biblico Salem, El Espino

ENLACE has been working with El Buen Samaritano Church since 1994. Together with the local health committee, the church directed many health projects when health care was not accessible for everyone. Pastor Miguel inspired his leaders to become active agents of change in their community and worked on improving roads, building homes, projects with the public school, and health and cleanup campaigns. One of the greatest challenges has been building a water system that will benefit more than 10,000 local residents. Pastor Miguel and the area’s churches continue to provide a strong witness of God’s love in these and other projects.

“The work that has been done with the church, the community, and the accompaniment of ENLACE has given them the tools to take on this new challenge…It’s a huge challenge that provides benefits and opportunities. If Pastor Miguel is guide by the Lord and His timing, they are going to be used as a blessing not only for his church and community but for many people in El Salvador. Pastors Santos Carpio and Felix Amaya are only a sneak peek at what can happen.”

Gerson Ramirez, ENLACE Church Coach for the region of San Martin.

We are proud and thankful to God for the ways he has used our ENLACE team to provide support and open opportunities which strengthen the integral mission and vision of His church. If you want to learn more about Pastor Miguel, read about his journey of perseverance here (http://www.enlaceonline.org/blog/2010/10/19/we-are-gods-answer-one-pastors-journey-of-perseverance.html). We invite you to help dozens of pastors like Pastor Miguel to continue this transformational work!

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