
Continuing His Missionary Call: The Story of Jhony Alfaro, ENLACE Church Coach

“I learned to serve God simply, to use the little resources that exist and to love the work”.

Jhony Alfaro was 26 years old when he left El Salvador to respond to God’s call to serve in Mosquitia, one of the most remote areas of Honduras and known as the Central American Amazon. Jhony learned the customs of the people there, their language, and their way of life. In a region influenced by witchcraft and suffering a high rate of alcoholism, Johny worked to show his neighbors a different path, a path that led to God’s unconditional love and care. Jhony considers this missions experience as an invaluable tool in carrying out his present role as Church Coach with ENLACE.

“My experience as a missionary is similar to my job with ENLACE in that we are working by being present in poor communities, to get involved…with them and to empathize with their lives. Our job is not only to go and share a lesson, but to relate with people and listen to their needs. This is also something that a missionary does. I believe that this is mission work done locally without leaving borders”.

Jhony’s profound sensibility for the needs of others was born from his own need for God. During his adolescence, outside influences led him to become involved in drugs and alcohol. However, recognizing God’s mercy in his life has helped him to discover his true purpose. In addition his missionary work in Honduras, he has also worked with youth-oriented ministries.

Jhony returned to El Salvador in February 2011 after eight years in Mosquitia. He returned with his wife, Azucena, whom he married in Honduras, and their young daughter. Willing to continue preparing himself to serve more effectively, he is currently in the process of finishing his degree in theology that was put on hold when he left for Honduras. Upon returning, he also applied to the work as a Church Coach with ENLACE.