We are excited to announce that we have recently hired three new staff members for our church and community program and are now working in five new churches.
nuria in las deliciasNuria de Reyes was hired as a church and community advisor. Previously Nuria worked closely with Miguel Duran and the Good Samaritan Church in Las Delicias as the director of education for their denomination. Nuria came with high recommendations and has already been an amazing and valuable addition. Nuria is finishing her Masters in Theology and Missiology while also giving classes at a local Bible College. She says, “I was was most impacted by ENLACE’s distinct form in which they work with the church and help them become truly connected to their community.”
ron bueno and arturo in abelinesArturo Perez was also brought on as a church and community advisor. Arturo acquired his Masters in Theology and Missiology while working as the Director of Missions and the Director of the Bible Institute for the Templo Cristiano Assembly of God Church in San Salvador. Arturo was most impressed by ENLACE after seeing so many churches with extremely limited resources that committed to serving its communities.
Our third addition to the ENLACE family is Lilia de Gomez (or Lilí ). Lilí will work as an Initiative Supervisor, overseeing the development and implementation of the work plans assigned to the ENLACE field staff. Lilí is originally from Ecuador and came to El Salvador with her husband in hopes of fulfilling a call they felt to missions. Lilí has been CREDATEC’s head of credit for the past seven years and is excited about making the move over to helping the ENLACE field staff. Lilí has a degree in Theolgy with a concentration in Missions Studies and is currently working on her MBA during nights and weekends.
We feel extremely blessed that God has brought this new staff to us so that we may continue working and expanding this ministry. But there could be more!
Over the past two years we have begun working with five new churches, corresponding to the natural overflow of interest in the communities where we have worked for so long. In San Jose El Naranjo, for example, two churches have joined our efforts under the guidance of Pastor Marco Melara and his outreach committee. In the Abelines area, two new churches are now receiving training after seeing the impact that Pastor Victorio Paz and the social outreach and health committees were making. Likewise, Pastor Miguel Duran and his church leaders have asked ENLACE to help them begin the training with one other church in their area. In each of these instances, there have been many more churches (in two cases, the local Catholic Church leaders have asked for Biblical training) interested in having ENLACE walk alongside them as they begin to serve their communities.
ron bueno at community meeting in las deliciasWe simply do not yet have the staff or resources to walk alongside these churches and leaders. With this in mind, we developed the Friends of ENLACE program to give our friends a chance to support ENLACE’s growth. This program gives you the opportunity to easily donate to our church and community program on a monthly basis. In doing so, you are supplying our church and community program with the resources needed to continue to walk alongside these new churches. Please consider committing to three years of monthly gifts and help support the ongoing work that is literally transforming poor communities all over El Salvador.
Click here to go to the donate now page where you can set-up easy monthly payments by credit card.